He gathered his sons to tell about him. He told a servent to bring in a bundle of seven sticks tied togeather. Long ago and far away there was an old farner who had seven sons. One day the old farmer was lying on his bed and he thought that he would not live much longer.
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Long ago and far away there was an old farner who had seven sons. One day the old farmer was lying on his bed and he thought that he would not live much longer. He gathered his sons to tell about him. He told a servent to bring in a bundle of seven sticks tied togeather. 

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App

 Long ago and far away there was an old farmer who had seven sons. One day the old farmer was lying on his bed and he thought that he would not live much longer.He gathered his sons to tell about him. He told a servent to bring in a bundle of seven sticks tied togeather. 

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App