He flew to jar. A crow became very thirsty. It was a summer day. He found a jar at a little distance. The crow did not lose hope to get water. He discovered that the water was too low for him to get. All on a suddenly, he saw some stones lying near the jar. It want here and there in search of drinking water but in vain. But he found that the jar had only little Water at the bottom. The crow tried to get at the water with his beak but he failed.
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It was a summer day. A crow became very thirsty. It want here and there in search of drinking water but in vain. The crow did not lose hope to get water.He found a jar at a little distance. He flew to jar. But he found that the jar had only little Water at the bottom. The crow tried to get at the water with his beak but he failed.All on a suddenly, he saw some stones lying near the jar.

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App

It was a summer day. A crow became very thirsty. It want here and there in search of drinking water but in vain. The crow did not lose hope to get water.He found a jar at a little distance. He flew to jar. But he found that the jar had only little Water at the bottom. The crow tried to get at the water with his beak but he failed.All on a suddenly, he saw some stones lying near the jar. 

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App