Write down Aims and objectives of sports medicine.

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AIM : Aim of sports medicine is to deal with the improvement of general well being and health of the population through promotion of anactive lifestyle. In addition, medical care of all people who exercise or involve sports activities and diagnosis, treatment, prevention, rehabiliatation and functional evaluation following to injuries or illnesses resulting from amateur (Recreational) or professional participation to physical activities, exercises and sports of the general interest in sports medicine. 

“The main objective of sports medicine is to restore a patient’s functioning to the highest level possible”.

The other objectives are :- 

1. Preventive health care

a) Maintenance of fitness 

b) Detection of disorders. 

c) Functional Evaluation 

2. Scientific promotion of games and sprots-

a) Planning of training programs 

b) Evaluation of training programs 

c) Injury prevention 

d) Psychological counselling and guidance 

3. Sports Medical Services :- 

Sports medicine services may also be extended to prevention of obesity, cardiac illness, cardiac rehabilitation, prevention and control of diabetes.

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