

তারিখ: স্থান: Dear A, I know that you are well. I was very happy when I saw your letter came to me. There is another reason for my joy. I knew you were a meritorious student.All the tests you have done so far have been good in all your results. So you always expect good things from you. You wrote about your results in your last letter. This time you have achieved success just as you did and made good results. I'm really very proud of it. I know you work hard to study.If you can run yourself like this in the tide of success in your life. Always be honest, work hard. I wrote a lot of things. Hopefully you will write this letter as well as the answer to it. I'm fine You always be good always Take care of yourself, study properly. Yours ever নিজের নাম লিখবেন।

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App

01 September 2018

Gulshan, Dhaka.

Dear Sumon,

I became very glad to receive your letter. In your letter, you have written that you are well. I am also well. From your letter, I have come to know that you have obtained GPA 5. I am highly glad to know your result. My joy knew no bounds when I heard about your result. Really, your brilliant success is a matter of great pride and satisfaction to me. I know your success is never a matter of chance. You have all through worked very hard and now you have achieved it. I offer you my heartiest congratulation for your brilliant success.

No more today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the younger ones.

Yours ever,



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