It was the highest tree on the mountain. (positive) নিয়ম বলবেন।
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No other tree on the mountain is as high as it. possitive degree তে রুপান্তর করার সহজ নিয়ম হলো No other/Very few তার পর nown এবং etc তার পর verb as তারপর possitive degree as এবং subject.

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supperlative to positive:-No other+object+be verb+as/so+deg. Positive from+as+subject.

It was the highest tree on the mountainNo other tree on the mountain was as high as it

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Structure: No other + Superlative degree এর পরের অংশ + Verb + So/as + Superlative degree এর Positive form + as + প্রদত্ত Sentence এর Subject.

তাই, উপরোক্ত নিয়মানুযায়ী প্রশ্নটির উত্তর হবে, No other tree on the mountain was so high as it/ No other tree on the mountain is as high as it.

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Positive:No other tree was so high as it on the mountain. নিয়ম:প্রথমে no other বসে+noun(tree)+verb(was)+so+positive form(high)+as+subject(it)+বাকি অংশ(on the mountain)

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